the scoop

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." ~Aristotle

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What Are Your Kids "INTO"?? How can you tell?

My baby is four.



His new obsession: flashlights.  He received at least five for his birthday, and he loves every one of them.  They range from practical (solar charged!), to cute (pig! dog!) to ultra-convenient------> 

So it has this plan-ahead-and-buy-Christmas-gifts-in-July-at-garage-sales Mom pondering ... what are my kinds "into" this year?

For the last two years, I would have told you that Manatee was into Polly Pockets.  Only, that wouldn't be true.  It was MOMMY who bought them, bought more of them, bought them new clothes, always wanted them as a kid ... and then grew up to vacuum up their shoes.  My daughter, however, is basically disinterested.  A month ago I confiscated Polly and friends in response to the state of her room, but save the initial freak-out, she hasn't mentioned them since.  She's not "into" dolls, really -- doesn't carry them around or change their clothes.  It intrigues me: all of her creatures and little people are mute.  When I was six my dolls were getting married, going on adventures, and holding city council meetings where they all had a vote.  Hers lie about, "lifeless."

She's into books.  Truly, I could probably remove all else and she would be content.  It's hard to send out gift suggestions to family, though; which Magic Tree House book HASN'T she read? I have no idea.  Never thought to keep a "have read" log.  Then again, it's probably best we don't OWN all the books on the planet.

So my always-try-to-be-prepared brain was sent into a tizzy when I realized I had just distributed birthday party invitations to Monkey's classmates.... and it's likely that dutiful mommies will call soon, asking the dreaded "What is he into" question.  

"Uh, we could really use ... batteries.  Yep, batteries, carabiners and sticks.  Heck, dig through your junk drawer, you should be all set."

Some boys his age, I'm told, are into Star Wars or trains.  He wouldn't know a light saber if it zzhhhhhh'd his arm off, and he mostly ignores his train table.  He'll "play cars," but that mostly involves the cars embroiled in some sort of conversation: 

"Hey, big truck? Do you want to go see Sally? She's the YELLOW car.  Can you get there? Do you need a LADDER (grabs stick)?  We can go to her HOUSE and see what she has to EAT. [insert boy-making-motor-sounds noise here]"

We can always find something fun at the local toy store ... but how kosher is it to ask for gift cards?

How about you?  What are your kids into?


  1. My children are playmobile addicts. But daughter surprised me by asking for the wedding set!? WHAT???? Because it has cool cakes.

  2. Tell them he is saving up for a bicycle or a wagon... Jonas ended up getting enough Toys R Us gift cards at his 9th birthday party to take a huge chunk out of his bike cost. When you belong to their birthday club, TRU also sends out coupons and a $3 gift card around the kid's birthday.

  3. Hmm.... I like the saving up idea, but not a bike or wagon. Maybe saving up for a Wii game? Can you get those at TRU? I mostly shop online and never go there, so ... perhaps Amazon GCs?

  4. neato, Jo... I was thinking Playmobil, too, actually (given that Ezra likes to make things converse). I am wondering which route to go, though; rescue peoples? pirates? farmers? regular family? I dunno.

  5. Hi Rachel! I just love your blog. You have a wonderful writing style! My oldest is 3 1/2 and she loves all things princess. Much as I don't like character things... She's just so girly! The little one is almost 2 and she really just seems to follow right now. And I think the gift card idea is fine! The only downside would be the opening presents part of the party. But you could easily skip that anyway!
