First off, Ian just returned from his tri-monthly MRI/review in Bethesda and all is clear. He said they weren't too thrilled with the idea of him driving (at least solo!) but other than that, they're happy. And he is, in fact, driving (to therapy, around town, as far as Irwin the other day...). Also, he has taken on some part-time work projects; he sequesters himself in the basement with phones and computers and does logistics! Woohoo!
Ezra turned 5 and had an Angry Birds party. The kids had a fabulous (albeit cold and damp) Halloween as Spider Man and Wonder Woman.
THREE couples-friends of ours are expecting babies/kiddos via adoption, and I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. Another friend who fought a hard battle has been blessed by her own little one as well.
It's FALL! I love it so. This is probably the last week of leaves on the trees, but they are making a vibrant carpet around town. And I plead with you, dear reader: RESPECT THE TURKEY and stop with the Christmas decorations/music/tree sweaters already! Yeesh. It's pumpkin and cider time, not hot chocolate and candy cane time!